Immigrant Driver's License

Over 90,000 undocumented immigrants are estimated to be presently living in Minnesota. Many of these people are established members of our communities. Their children are U.S. citizens and they consider Minnesota to be their home. But given their extra-legal status, many of these individuals do not have access to driver’s licenses. This inhibits their ability to provide for their family and also makes the roads less safe for others.

MCC recognizes that illegal immigration is problematic, and we support comprehensive reform to address it. However, until a solution can be reached that secures our borders and provides a pathway to citizenship, we support measures like immigrant driver’s licenses.

Current Resources:

One-Page Handout

"Why States Should Grant Driver's License to All Residents" - Catholic Legal Immigration Network

Bishops' Letter in Support of Immigrant Driver's License Bill


Related Articles:

Catholic Spirit: Archbishop Hebda joins renewed push for ‘Driver’s Licenses for All’ proposal

Catholic Spirit: Archbishop Hebda testifies for bill letting undocumented immigrants get driver’s licenses

Catholic Spirit: Archbishop Hebda: Driver’s licenses for all is a ‘moral imperative’

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